Saturday 17 February 2024

Vita and Virgina

 Vita and virgina 

Hello readers.....

This blog based on thinking activity assigned by Vaidehi ma'am . In which I'm going to discuss about the movie Vita and virgina, which is , in a way we can say that adaptation of the life of virgina Woolf.

Orlando is a biography written about a fictitious character, Orlando, which was inspired by Virginia's real-life friend and lover Vita Sackville-West. The story spans over 400 years where Orlando's life changes from man to woman, from century to century. Gender difference is the main focus of the story.Orlando: A Biography is one of the strangest books penned by Virginia Woolf, who lived from 1882–1941. Published in 1928, it follows the life of Orlando, born a man in Elizabethan England, who experiences a mysterious sex change at the age of 30 and stays alive for 300 years.

Here in this particular movie we can say that the kind of Virginia Woolf's and vita's relationship or we can say that during that time how Virginia has to suffer that reflects. lets have look on movie and the questions based on that. 

"Vita & Virginia" is a 2018 British biographical romantic drama film directed by Chanya Button. It depicts the love affair between socialite and author Vita Sackville-West and literary icon Virginia Woolf in the 1920s. The film stars Gemma Arterton as Vita and Elizabeth Debicki as Virginia. It explores their passionate relationship and the influence they had on each other's lives and work. 

1.  Who do you think is initiating the relationship, Vita or Virginia? Who do you think is taking advantage of this relationship? 

"Vita & Virginia" is a movie about the close friendship and love between Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf, who were both writers. The film shows how their relationship is like a dance, with each taking turns leading and following. At first, Vita is more confident and makes the first move, but Virginia is also active, writing passionate love letters and eventually leaving her husband for Vita.

As time passes, Virginia becomes more confident as her writing career grows, which sometimes makes Vita feel less important. Their roles shift – Virginia becomes more assertive while Vita supports her, causing some tension.

In the end, it's unclear who has more power or benefits more from the relationship. Both Vita and Virginia are complex, and their relationship has its ups and downs. The movie doesn't give clear answers but makes us think about love, desire, and the challenges of being in a same-sex relationship when society doesn't always accept it.

2.  Who do you think is confused about their identity Vita or Virginia? Explain with illustrations. 

According to my perspective, in the movie "Vita and Virginia," both Vita and Virginia are shown as complicated people with different backgrounds and experiences that shape who they are. It's shown that it's okay for people to see things differently and to struggle with who they are.

The movie follows Vita and Virginia's relationship, which had good times and bad times. They faced difficulties because they were different, but they also found strength and inspiration in each other. Even when things were hard, their connection was important to both of them.

"Vita and Virginia" talks about love and sadness. It shows how Vita and Virginia supported each other, even when things were difficult. The movie teaches us that everyone has their own journey in life, and there's no one right way to go through it.

3.  What is society’s thought about women and identity? Do you agree with them? If Yes then why? If no then why?

"Vita and Virginia" takes us back to a time when society had strict rules for women. Women were expected to get married, have kids, and not speak up about what they really wanted. But Vita and Virginia didn't want to do what everyone expected.

Their story shows us how women were pushed to fit into roles they didn't like. People judged them for living differently and for loving each other passionately. But Vita and Virginia didn't let others control their lives.

Their experiences teach us about the fight for women to express themselves. They challenged the rules of their time and showed that being a woman is more than just following what others say. Even if we don't agree with everything they did, their story makes us think about freedom and who we really are. 

Are we only what others say we should be, or can we choose our own path?

4.  Write a note on your observations of the society during that era.

Rather giving my opinion I would like to give my observation of society of that particular era in the movie. It shows how society in the past had strict class differences. Vita came from a wealthy family and had many advantages, while Virginia, from a poorer background, did not. Despite both being successful, they faced limitations because of society's expectations, especially as women.

It also highlights the challenges women faced back then. Even though feminism was starting to gain momentum, women were still mostly expected to stay home and raise children. Vita and Virginia had big dreams but had to deal with judgment and societal rules holding them back.The film also touches on the difficulties of being openly gay at that time. Vita and Virginia took risks by being together because society didn't accept homosexuality. Virginia, in particular, could have faced serious consequences because of her public profile.

The movie introduces us to the Bloomsbury Group, where intelligent and creative individuals gathered. This was a place where Vita and Virginia could express themselves without worrying about societal norms.It also illustrates the innovative and unconventional nature of art and writing during that period. Virginia's groundbreaking writing style and Vita's adventurous lifestyle were part of an era where people were experimenting and challenging old conventions.

We can add in a more that , the film delves into Vita's distinctive fashion sense and her influence on Virginia's famous character, Orlando. This suggests their exploration of gender roles and identity during that time."Vita & Virginia" isn't just a love story; it's a glimpse into a time when people like Vita and Virginia rebelled against societal norms and sought change.

5.  Write a note on the direction of the movie. Which symbols and space caught your attention while watching the movie?

The movie "Vita & Virginia" takes us through different stages of Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf's relationship, showing its passionate beginnings and later complexities. Director Chanya Button focuses on expressing the characters' emotions and challenges through intense close-up shots, skilled acting, and emotive music, creating a deeply personal atmosphere. Button also employs dreamlike scenes and symbolic imagery to delve into the characters' inner thoughts and feelings, adding layers of intrigue and depth.

Symbolism and Setting:

Bloomsbury Group: Scenes set in Bloomsbury gatherings represent the intellectual and social circles that shaped their lives and relationship.

Nature: Lush gardens and expansive landscapes often backdrop moments of reflection or passion, reflecting the characters' internal struggles and their connection to the natural world.

Confined spaces: The film uses cramped rooms and enclosed settings to convey feelings of confinement and the societal pressures Vita and Virginia faced, particularly regarding their gender and sexuality.

Mirrors: Mirrors feature throughout the film, potentially symbolizing introspection, self-discovery, and the intricate reflections of identities between Vita and Virginia.

Writing: Pens, papers, and typewriters appear repeatedly, symbolizing the characters' shared love for literature and the ways it both unites and divides them.

6. "Vita and Virginia" had to be made into a Bollywood Adaptation, who do you think would be fit for the role of Vita and Virginia?

Anushka Sharma: AS VITA

Anushka Sharma has portrayed as strong and independent character. She could bring depth and complexity to Vita's character, showcasing her inner conflicts and vulnerabilities.

Taapsee Pannu : AS VIRGINIA

Taapsee Pannu in a variety of roles, including those with depth and sensitivity. She could bring Virginia's intellectual depth and emotional complexity to the screen.

Thank you for reading.....

Have a great time.

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