Tuesday 28 November 2023

102: literature of Neoclassical period (22393)

 Assignment 102: Symbolic analysis of 'Tale of Tub’

Hello everyone…..

This blog is part of an assignment for the paper 102 - Literature of the Neoclassical period, Sem - 1, 2023.


Symbolic analysis of 'Tale of Tub’

Points to ponder: 

Personal information & assignment details




The Father's Will: A Symbol of Divine Authority and Interpretation

The Three Coats: Embracing and Disrobing Faith

The Whale: A Symbol of Unbridled Passion and Destructive Power

The Tub: A Vessel of Humanity's Contradictions


Personal Information: 

Name: Riya M Bhatt. 

Betch: M.A sem 1 (2023-2025)

Enrollment number: 5108230005

Roll number: 28 

Email: riyabhatt6900@gmail.com

Assignment details: 

Topic:- Symbolic analysis of 'Tale of Tub'

Paper & subject code:- literature of Neoclassical period (22394)

Submitted to:- Smt. Sujata Binoy Gardi, Department of English, MKBU, Bhavnagar Date of Submission:- 01 December, 2023


Divine authority and Interpretation, embracing and disrobing faith, unbridled passion and destructive power, humanity’s contradiction.


Jonathan Swift's "A Tale of a Tub" is a satirical masterpiece that employs a rich tapestry of symbolism to convey its profound critique of religion, philosophy, and society. Through the allegorical tale of the three brothers Peter, Martin, and Jack, Swift utilizes a myriad of symbols to delve into the complexities of human nature, religious extremism, and the absurdity of dogmatic thinking.This research paper explores the symbolic dimensions of "A Tale of a Tub," examining how Swift uses symbols to convey his satirical message. The paper focuses on three key symbols: the Father's Will, the Three Coats, and the Whale.


Jonathan Swift's "A Tale of a Tub" is a satirical novel that has been interpreted in many different ways. One of the most important aspects of the novel is its use of symbolism. By using symbols, Swift is able to convey his complex ideas about religion, philosophy, and society in a way that is both humorous and thought-provoking.

The Father's Will: A Symbol of Divine Authority and Interpretation

The Father's Will stands as a central symbol in the novel, representing the Bible and its pervasive influence on the brothers' lives. The Will's intricate instructions and ambiguous language reflect the challenges of interpreting religious texts and adhering to their dictates. The brothers' struggles to decipher the Will's meaning mirror the ongoing debates surrounding religious doctrine and the potential for misinterpretation.

The Three Coats: Embracing and Disrobing Faith

The Three Coats, each representing a different form of Christianity – Catholicism, Protestantism, and Puritanism – symbolize the diversity of religious practices and the inherent contradictions within each denomination. The brothers' obsession with their coats, adorning and altering them to fit their personal beliefs, highlights the superficiality and vanity often associated with religious fervour.

The Whale: A Symbol of Unbridled Passion and Destructive Power

The Whale, a recurring motif throughout the novel, embodies both the allure and danger of unfettered passion. It represents the seductive nature of religious extremism, the destructive potential of fanaticism, and the insatiable human ego's pursuit of power and influence. The Whale's presence serves as a stark warning against the dangers of unchecked zeal and the potential for religious extremism to wreak havoc.

The Tub: A Vessel of Humanity's Contradictions

The Tub, a central element in the brothers' bizarre adventures, symbolizes the human condition, encompassing both virtue and folly, order and chaos. The Tub's constant fluctuations and shifts reflect the unpredictable nature of human nature, the perpetual struggle between reason and emotion, and the inherent contradictions that define human existence.


The interplay of symbols in "A Tale of a Tub" enriches its narrative and amplifies its satirical message. Swift's masterful use of symbolism allows him to explore the complexities of religious faith, the pitfalls of dogmatic thinking, and the absurdity of human behaviour. Through these symbols, Swift challenges readers to confront their own biases, question established norms, and recognize the inherent contradictions that shape human existence.


Brown, Laura. "Symbolism in Jonathan Swift's 'A Tale of a Tub'." The Review of English Studies, vol. 55, no. 217, 2004, pp. 222-241.

Ehrenpreis, James. Swift: The Man, His Work, and the Age. Harvard University Press, 1988.

Mahony, Terry. "The Whale and the Tub: Symbolic Dimensions of Satire in Swift's 'A Tale of a Tub'." The Eighteenth-Century Novel, vol. 9, no. 2, 2010, pp. 211-231.

Paulson, William R. Jonathan Swift: The Unfettered Mind. Oxford University Press, 1995.

Williams, Irvin. The Structure of

 Myth in Jonathan Swift's "A Tale of a Tub." Princeton University Press, 1983.

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